Why Do Bikers Wear Top Hats?

When we think of bikers, we often imagine them wearing black leather jackets, boots, and sunglasses. However, some bikers also don a unique fashion accessory - a top hat. Yes, you read that right! Bikers wearing top hats have been spotted on the streets, leaving people puzzled about the reason behind this unusual combination. In this article, we'll delve deeper into the mystery and answer the question - why do bikers wear top hats?

What is a Top Hat:

A top hat is a tall, cylindrical hat with a flat crown and a wide brim. It is typically made of silk or felt and was popular in the 19th century. Top hats were a symbol of high social status and were commonly worn by the upper-class men. Today, top hats are rarely seen in everyday wear but are often worn at formal events like weddings, horse races, and theater performances.

Bikers wearing top hats is not a new phenomenon. It has been observed that some bikers have been sporting top hats for decades. This unique fashion statement has gained attention in recent times due to the increased visibility of bikers and their attire. It is interesting to note that not all bikers wear top hats, and it is more prevalent among a specific group of riders.

The purpose of this article is to explore the reason behind bikers wearing top hats. Many people are curious about this unusual trend, and we aim to provide clarity on this subject. Through this article, we will answer the question of why do bikers wear top hats and delve into the cultural significance of this fashion statement. So, let's get started!

Reasons Why Do Bikers Wear Top Hats:

There are several reasons why bikers wear top hats. Let's take a closer look at each one of them:

  • Fashion Statement: Bikers are known for their unique sense of style. They often customize their motorcycles and attire to express their individuality. Wearing a top hat is one way of standing out in a crowd and making a fashion statement. It gives them a distinctive look and adds to their overall persona.
  • Nostalgia: As mentioned earlier, top hats were popular in the 19th century and were a symbol of high social status. Bikers wearing top hats may be trying to revive the nostalgia of the past era. They may be inspired by the old-world charm and want to incorporate it into their modern-day attire.
  • Tradition: Some biker groups have a tradition of wearing top hats. It is a symbol of their brotherhood and unity. Bikers wearing top hats show their allegiance to the group and its values. It also helps them stand out and create a sense of identity among the members.
  • Protection: Believe it or not, a top hat can provide some protection while riding a motorcycle. It can shield the head and face from the sun, wind, and rain. It also adds an extra layer of insulation during cold weather. While it may not be as effective as a helmet, it can still provide some level of protection. 

Top hats have a rich historical background and have been associated with various cultural and societal contexts throughout history. In this article, we will explore the origin of top hats, how they became a fashion symbol, their popularity in the Victorian era, and their role in modern fashion.

Origin of Top Hats:

Top hats originated in the late 18th century in England. They were initially designed for horseback riding and were known as 'beaver hats.' These hats were made of fur and were not as tall as the top hats we see today. They had a round crown and a narrow brim.

As the Industrial Revolution began to take hold in the early 19th century, top hats were made with more durable and lightweight materials, such as silk and felt. This led to the development of taller top hats with flat crowns and wider brims.

How Top Hats Became a Fashion Symbol:

Top hats became a symbol of wealth and status during the 19th century. They were commonly worn by the upper class and were considered a fashion accessory for formal events. Top hats were a sign of sophistication and elegance and were often associated with social hierarchy.

As the popularity of top hats grew, they became a fashion symbol beyond the upper class. The middle class also began to wear top hats, and they were seen as a status symbol for those who could afford them.

Top Hats in the Victorian Era:

The Victorian era saw a significant rise in the popularity of top hats. It was considered an essential accessory for men's formal attire and was worn at weddings, funerals, and other formal events. Top hats were also worn during the day and were seen as a sign of respectability and good manners.

During this period, top hats were made in various materials, such as silk, felt, and even straw. They were also decorated with ribbons, feathers, and other embellishments, making them more ornate and decorative.

Top Hats in Modern Fashion:

Today, top hats are rarely seen in everyday wear. However, they still hold a place in fashion and are worn at formal events such as weddings and horse races. Top hats are also popular in costume and theatrical productions, where they are used to evoke a sense of the past and elegance.

In recent times, top hats have also been incorporated into modern fashion. Designers have created modern versions of top hats using new materials and shapes, making them more accessible and versatile for everyday wear.

Top hats have a long history of being associated with wealth and sophistication, but they have also found their way into biker culture. As we delve further in this article, we will explore how top hats became associated with bikers, the symbolism behind top hats in biker culture, the influence of Hollywood on biker fashion, and the use of top hats in motorcycle clubs.

How Top Hats Became Associated with Bikers:

The origins of how top hats became associated with bikers are unclear, but it is believed to have started in the 1960s when a group of British bikers, known as the Ton-Up Boys, began wearing top hats as part of their riding attire. They adopted the top hat as a way to stand out from the rest of the biker community and to display their rebel spirit.

Symbolism Behind Top Hats in Biker Culture:

In biker culture, top hats are a symbol of rebellion and individuality. They represent a rejection of the status quo and an embrace of nonconformity. Bikers who wear top hats are seen as being confident and fearless, willing to stand up for their beliefs and push back against authority.

The Influence of Hollywood on Biker Fashion:

Hollywood has had a significant influence on biker fashion, including the use of top hats. In movies such as Easy Rider, Marlon Brando's The Wild One, and Sons of Anarchy, top hats are prominently featured as part of the biker wardrobe. This has helped to cement the association between top hats and biker culture in popular culture.

Top Hats in Motorcycle Clubs:

Motorcycle clubs have their own unique style and often incorporate top hats into their wardrobe. The Hell's Angels, for example, are known for their use of top hats as part of their uniform. The top hat represents a sense of power and authority within the club and is seen as a way to distinguish themselves from other motorcycle clubs.

Top hats have become a recognizable accessory in biker culture, but is wearing one practical while riding? In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of wearing a top hat while riding, as well as safety concerns that riders should consider.

Advantages of Wearing a Top Hat While Riding:

One of the advantages of wearing a top hat while riding is that it can provide protection from the sun and other elements. The brim of the hat can shield the rider's face and neck from the sun, and the top of the hat can keep the head cool by allowing air to circulate.

Additionally, top hats can be a stylish way to enhance a rider's overall look. They can add a touch of sophistication and individuality to a biker's outfit, which can be a way to stand out and make a statement.

Disadvantages of Wearing a Top Hat While Riding:

While top hats can provide some benefits while riding, they also come with a few disadvantages. One of the most obvious is the potential for the hat to fly off while riding. Top hats are not designed to be secured to the head, so they may come off in high winds or at high speeds. This can be dangerous for the rider and other drivers on the road.

Top hats can also be bulky and cumbersome, which can be a hindrance while riding. They can limit the rider's range of motion and vision, which can be dangerous on the road.

Safety Concerns of Wearing a Top Hat While Riding:

The safety concerns of wearing a top hat while riding cannot be overstated. As mentioned earlier, the potential for the hat to fly off while riding can be dangerous. It can also be distracting for the rider, who may need to take their hands off the handlebars to retrieve the hat.

Additionally, top hats can be a liability in the event of an accident. They can become lodged in the pavement or in other parts of the motorcycle, which can lead to further injury for the rider.

Top hats have become an iconic accessory in biker culture, and there are many styles and materials to choose from. Let’s explore some of the popular styles of top hats among bikers, materials used in making top hats, and customization options for riders who want to add a personal touch to their hats.

Popular Styles of Top Hats Among Bikers:

One of the most popular styles of top hats among bikers is the classic black silk top hat. This style was made famous in the Victorian era and has remained a timeless accessory in biker culture. Another popular style is the stovepipe top hat, which has a narrower and taller crown than the classic top hat.

For those who want a more modern twist on the classic top hat, there are also leather top hats available. These hats offer a rugged and edgy look that can complement a rider's leather jacket and other gear.

Materials Used in Making Top Hats:

Traditionally, top hats were made from materials like silk or beaver fur. However, today there are many materials to choose from, including wool, felt, and even synthetic materials like polyester.

Leather top hats are also becoming more popular among bikers, as they offer a unique look and are often more durable than other materials. Some leather top hats are even treated to be water-resistant, which can be useful for riders who often ride in rainy or wet conditions.

Customization Options for Top Hats:

For riders who want to add a personal touch to their top hats, there are many customization options available. Some riders choose to add a band around the hat, which can be made from materials like leather or metal. Others may choose to add pins or patches to their hats, which can be a way to display their affiliation with a particular motorcycle club or group.

Top hats can also be customized with different finishes, such as a glossy or matte finish. Some riders even choose to have their hats custom painted, which can be a way to make their hat truly one-of-a-kind.

Top hats have become a symbol of sophistication and elegance in biker culture. However, with their unique style and history, there are also rules and etiquette that come with wearing a top hat. Below is a brief explanation of the etiquette and rules of wearing a top hat in biker culture, the role of top hats in biker club hierarchy, and the significance of a biker taking off their top hat.

Top Hat Etiquette and Rules of Wearing a Top Hat in Biker Culture:

One of the most important rules of wearing a top hat in biker culture is to always wear it straight and upright. This means that the hat should be worn with the brim parallel to the ground and the crown centered on the head.

Another important rule is to never touch another biker's top hat without permission. Top hats are a symbol of personal style and identity, and touching or handling someone else's hat without permission is seen as disrespectful.

It is also important to remove the top hat when entering a building or restaurant, as it is considered good manners and shows respect for others. Finally, it is important to keep the top hat clean and well-maintained, as a dirty or worn hat can be seen as a sign of disrespect.

Role of Top Hats in Biker Club Hierarchy:

In biker clubs, top hats can often be a symbol of rank or position within the club's hierarchy. Higher-ranking members may wear more elaborate or decorative top hats, while lower-ranking members may wear simpler or less ornate hats.

Top hats can also be a symbol of membership within a particular club or group. Some clubs may require their members to wear a certain style or color of top hat, which can be a way to show affiliation with the group and to differentiate themselves from other clubs.

Significance of a Biker Taking Off Their Top Hat:

In biker culture, taking off one's top hat can be a sign of respect or submission. For example, if a biker is approaching a higher-ranking member of their club, they may remove their top hat as a sign of respect for their position.

Similarly, removing one's top hat can also be a sign of submission to authority. For example, if a biker is pulled over by the police, they may remove their top hat as a sign of respect and compliance with the officer's authority.

While top hats are a unique and iconic piece of biker fashion, they are not the only clothing item worn by bikers. In this article, we will provide an overview of other clothing items commonly worn by bikers and how top hats can complement other biker fashion choices.

Overview of Other Clothing Items Worn by Bikers:

Leather jackets are perhaps the most iconic biker fashion item, with their classic style and durability. Bikers also often wear leather pants or chaps, as well as boots or heavy-duty shoes for protection while riding.

Bandanas or do-rags are also a popular accessory among bikers, as they can be worn to keep hair out of the face or to protect the head from the sun or wind. Gloves are also commonly worn for added grip and protection while riding.

In addition to practical clothing items, many bikers also wear clothing items that reflect their personal style or interests, such as graphic t-shirts, denim vests, or patches and pins that represent their club or interests.

How Top Hats Complement Other Biker Fashion Choices:

Top hats can add an extra touch of style and sophistication to a biker's overall look. They are often worn with a leather jacket and pants, or with a denim vest and jeans for a more casual look.

Top hats can also complement other biker accessories, such as leather gloves or boots. They can be customized with pins or patches to represent a biker's club or interests, adding a personal touch to their overall style.

For bikers who prefer a more vintage or classic style, a top hat can be paired with a vintage motorcycle or a classic bike to complete the overall look.

Biker rallies and events are a popular gathering place for bikers from all over the world. At these events, bikers show off their motorcycles, participate in group rides, and socialize with other like-minded individuals. In recent years, top hats have become a popular accessory at biker events, with many events featuring top hat contests and displays.

Biker Rallies and Events Featuring Top Hats:

Some of the most popular biker rallies and events that feature top hats include the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota, the Daytona Bike Week in Florida, and the Americade Motorcycle Rally in New York. These events draw thousands of bikers from around the country and feature a wide range of activities and attractions, including top hat contests and displays.

Significance of Top Hats at Biker Events:

Top hats have become a symbol of style and sophistication in biker culture, and many bikers wear them to show off their individuality and sense of fashion. At biker events, top hats can also serve as a way to stand out from the crowd and catch the attention of other bikers.

In addition to their aesthetic appeal, top hats also have historical significance in biker culture. They were often worn by early motorcycle racers as a way to keep the dust and debris kicked up by their bikes out of their hair and eyes. Today, top hats are seen as a nod to this early biker heritage and a symbol of respect for the history and traditions of the biker community.

Top Hat Contests at Biker Events:

One of the most popular events at many biker rallies and gatherings is the top hat contest. During these contests, bikers show off their top hat styles and compete for prizes and recognition. Some contests are judged based on the style and creativity of the hat, while others focus on the personality and charisma of the wearer.

At these contests, top hats can be made from a variety of materials, including leather, felt, wool, and even metal. They can be adorned with patches, pins, and other accessories that represent a biker's club or interests.

Top hats have become a popular accessory in biker culture, with many bikers choosing to wear them as a way to show off their individuality and sense of style. There are several brands and manufacturers that produce top hats specifically for bikers, offering a range of styles and materials to choose from.

Popular Brands and Manufacturers of Top Hats:

Some of the most popular top hat brands and manufacturers in the biker community include Henschel Hats, Biltmore Hats, and Stetson Hats. These brands offer a range of top hat styles, including traditional black felt top hats and more modern styles made from leather and other materials.

Quality and Price Range of Top Hats:

Top hats can vary widely in terms of quality and price. Lower-priced top hats made from synthetic materials can be found for under $50, while higher-end top hats made from premium materials like wool and leather can cost several hundred dollars. The quality of a top hat can also depend on the craftsmanship and attention to detail put into its construction.

At MARA Leather we offer a range of colors and designs for bikers to choose from. We produce our hats with premium top grain leather while keeping in mind the need and the comfort of the wearer. The intricate details and decorated bands take the design up a notch to add a flair of individuality to each piece which makes the wearer stand out from the rest.

Role of Top Hat Brands in Biker Culture:

Top hat brands and manufacturers play an important role in biker culture by providing bikers with a way to express their individuality and sense of style. Many bikers choose to wear top hats made by specific brands as a way to show their loyalty and support for those brands.

In addition to providing bikers with stylish and high-quality top hats, some brands and manufacturers also offer customization options, allowing bikers to add patches, pins, and other accessories to their hats. This can help bikers to further personalize their top hats and make them unique to their individual style.

While top hats have become a popular accessory in biker culture, there are also some negative stereotypes and controversies associated with bikers wearing them. Some people view top hats as a symbol of elitism and privilege, and therefore believe that they have no place in biker culture. Additionally, some bikers resist wearing top hats because they believe that they are impractical or unsafe while riding.

Negative Stereotypes Associated with Bikers Wearing Top Hats:

There is a long-standing stereotype that top hats are only worn by the upper class, and that they are a symbol of elitism and privilege. As a result, some people view bikers who wear top hats as trying to adopt a sense of sophistication and refinement that is at odds with the rough-and-tumble image of biker culture. Some people also believe that top hats are outdated and out of touch with modern fashion trends.

Resistance to Wearing Top Hats Among Some Bikers:

Despite their popularity among many bikers, there are also some who resist wearing top hats. Some bikers view top hats as impractical or uncomfortable while riding, and prefer to wear more functional headgear like helmets or caps. Additionally, some bikers resist wearing top hats because they believe that they are a symbol of elitism and privilege that has no place in biker culture.

Criticism of Top Hats in Biker Culture:

While top hats have become a popular accessory in biker culture, there are also some who criticize their use. Some bikers believe that top hats are a distraction from the true spirit of biker culture, and that they promote a sense of superficiality and image-consciousness. Others believe that top hats are too closely associated with Hollywood and media depictions of bikers, and that they have little to do with the reality of biker culture.


In conclusion, top hats have a long and fascinating history in fashion and culture, including their association with bikers. They have become a symbol of rebellion and individuality within the biker community and are often seen as a way to stand out and make a statement.

While there are practical concerns with wearing a top hat while riding, many bikers continue to incorporate them into their style, often customizing them to their own taste. Top hats have become an important part of biker culture and are often associated with the hierarchy of motorcycle clubs.

Although there is some controversy surrounding the use of top hats in biker culture, many bikers continue to wear them with pride. Ultimately, the decision to wear a top hat while riding is a personal choice, and one that should be made with safety and practicality in mind.

Whether you are a biker or simply a fashion enthusiast, it is clear that top hats have a rich history and continue to be an important part of fashion and culture. From the classic top hat to more modern and customized versions, there is a top hat for every style and taste.


Q: What is the most popular material used to make top hats for bikers?

A: The most popular materials used to make top hats for bikers are leather, wool, and felt. These materials offer durability and protection from the elements while riding.

Q: Is it safe to wear a top hat while riding a motorcycle?

A: There are safety concerns with wearing a top hat while riding a motorcycle, as it may be easily blown off by wind, potentially causing a distraction or hazard on the road. It is important to take these factors into consideration when choosing to wear a top hat while riding.

Q: Do all bikers wear top hats?

A: No, not all bikers wear top hats. While they are popular among some segments of the biker community, they are not a universal fashion accessory.

Q: Are there any rules or etiquette associated with wearing a top hat in biker culture?

A: Yes, there are some rules and etiquette associated with wearing a top hat in biker culture, particularly within motorcycle clubs. Top hats may be used as a symbol of rank or status, and there may be specific rules about when and where they can be worn.

Q: What is the price range of top hats for bikers?

A: The price range of top hats for bikers can vary greatly depending on the material, brand, and customization options. They can range from relatively affordable to very expensive, with some custom top hats costing several hundred dollars.


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